A Graffiti Of Persistence: SNEHA PANDEY
On last day of practical exams, team whiteboard asked for a small talk with GATE AIR-9 from EI branch of IET Lucknow Miss Sneha Pandey. Despite her busy schedule she happily gave us the time at evening on that day at the very same AMUL canteen where she had spent her leisure time with friends and had given numerous treats on every small success in her course from a freshman year to senior one.
She once being a naive member of dramatics club to develop into a confident lady who maintained positivity in even the most overwhelming situations and keeping studies schedule regular even in midst of wedding at home close to last few days of the exam and that too with her determination of self-study. So here are few aspects of her success story with all different
colours of struggles, fun and dedication.
WB : How do you feel being one of the toppers?
It is a nice feeling. After the paper, my state of mind was white philosophical as of everyone else thinking whatever will happen it will be for my goodwill. My friend calculated my marks after the exam as I was busy with the functions of my sister's wedding. When she told me that I was getting highest in my friend circle I was truly shocked as neither I nor people in my proximity were expecting this. After that, I presumed myself to be on the top 50 but then came another one when I was in the top 10. Well, it was a pleasant surprise more than a shock. I think that the factor that helped me was that paper was based on fundamental questions and I had been through it a lot. Also, I did almost the same number of numerical than others but there was only a question with negative from my side. As I had a habit of avoiding the questions that were doubtful however tempting they be.
WB : Tell us something about your early educational background.
I am from Lucknow only . I scored 86% in 12th ICSE which isn't so good but I was the topper of my school. Then I sat for the JEE and qualified it but the rank was not helpful for getting me into some IIT and as a result I am here.
I dropped a year after school. So when I came to this college still not over with dream of going to IITs one day cause somewhere I knew that I am worth it. Moreover, I chose this college over others due to close proximity with the coaching institutes of all kinds. So when the decision-making time came I preferred GATE over CAT as later demands for a good GPA and I was in the Electronics department of IET and it would have been tough to gain good GPA in this department.
WB : What is the difference between UG exams and competitive exams like GATE?
In GATE there are more subjects than in UG course. GATE is more about memorizing those subjects and practicing numerical, it doesn't demand deeper knowledge. Whereas in college exams they want you to be thorough with the subjects. I guess if you have average knowledge in every subject of GATE then you can surely get a decent rank.
WB : When did you start your preparation and how much hours did you devote to studying every day?
I started the preparation for GATE from the 4th semester and for that joined the ACE Academy. It was just started at that time and we were it's very first batch. But due to poor management of the administration there I left after a year. Then for the remaining time, I relied on self-study. The topics that got missed by me in the coaching due to college exams, I completed them by borrowing notes from my friends. I thought of completing all the syllabus till October and then start practicing previous year papers. As about study hours I had fixed hours of sleep as well as studies maintaining bare necessity. The truth is time is enough we just have to manage it correctly.
WB : How did you manage college studies with GATE preparation? Did college syllabus help you someway in GATE?
Umm, By compromising the college studies (chuckles). Yes, as I knew that our department is especially famous for awarding marks so we expected not to get more than 75% so the bait of getting Hons. in the degree vanished. So we just studied enough to get at least 70%. Also in class, we fully paid attention to the subjects being taught and took notes as they quite help during UG exams. But in final days everyone in the class could be seen ignoring professors and studying for all of their exams either CAT, GATE, IES or IAS. Some of the subjects in both GATE and UG exams do match so if you had prepared for them once anywhere then you'll be conveniently ready for the other.
WB : Major difference between coaching and self-study and which one is better?
From my point of view, self-study is a better option because when you're handling coaching as well as college so you don't have much time left for self-study as such exams require rigorous practice. So it's good if you join coaching from 2nd year so that you can complete left out or less practiced subject next year.
WB : What were your preparation schedule and time management strategies?
I made a fixed timetable for myself daily. I gave a test daily no matter what happens. Even if somehow I missed it at scheduled timing I tried to do it on that very day. If according to my timetable I was giving the test and was not able to review it then I changed my schedule. The point is timetable is for your improvement if it pulls you behind them it's better to change it for good but be consistent. Every individual is different so we should first recognize ourself and then according to it give time to theory and numerical. One shouldn't get influenced by others and first know their plus points strengthen them and at same time improve weak points.
WB : What was the toughest part for you during preparation?
Maintaining positivity throughout is most difficult in my opinion as an outer factor can be ignored but the dual inside you demands attention. You should isolate yourself from negativity. Do the things which make you positive either it's is watching motivational videos or talking to someone. Talking to my mother, friends, and seniors made me feel confident about me.
WB : How was your schedule a few days before the exam?
There wasn't end few days or weeks but I should say that in last 2 months I did my best to achieve the target. I gave a test every day or a two on some days but on exam day it's luck which matters most. A day before the exam it's said that don't study and maybe it works for some people but on that day I looked at everything in a flash as I had nothing else to do and was getting bored. You have to keep yourself positive all along as it is the only way to be light-minded. Moreover, at that time only you can make yourself relaxed no one can be of much help then.
WB : Is it imporatant to practice paper online as GATE is online now?
Not just GATE but most of the papers are online now, moreover, we get LAN and Wi-fi facilities in college so should use it for good cause and practice the mock papers so that you are comfortable with the online mode of exam. Now you also have affordable services of many telecom companies so take help of it and improve yourself. I think we should always find the substitute for the problems in your surrounding and don't waste your time and energy on worrying about not so important matters for at least the preparation time period.
WB : Now what will be your next step?
I want to get field experience now then according to the requirements of the work field I'll decide
whether to go for the further studies. As the scorecard of GATE is valid for 3 years so I think that will be
the right thing to do.
WB : Which were the college groups you were in and how they helped you to grow up as a personality?
I am from Lucknow so in the first year I was a day scholar that bound me by being into some groups. But I was in dramatics club in the first and second year. I am really grateful to it as the time I experienced there helped throughout in the college. I was a shy person in school but when I came here the seniors helped me individually to cope with my fears. This made me confident and more expressive.
WB : In your opinion who are more prone to be successful, people who are in a relationship or those who are single? How does it affect in preparation?
I'm thinking if you are asking me about my relationship status indirectly, but let me tell you that I'm single as of now. Well now getting back to your question, it basically depends on You. You should have dreams of your own and have a will to fulfill them. If in a relationship both the partner are ambitious then there is a mutual understanding and also emotional support. You should have proper focus then it doesn't matter either you are single or in a relationship. Moreover, this college has seen the success stories of many couples in both life and career.
WB : What do you think are the shortcomings of the college and how can it be improved to stand as a better institute?
When I got admission in this college I dreamt of having working labs and workshops with good quality of equipment and faculties. But when I started studying here I experienced how the administration is neglecting the practical knowledge. The people who were serious about labs and those who were not were getting equal marks. So we adapt ourselves to this. I guess college should give more emphasis on practical knowledge and motivate students to do good in competitive exams by praising their efforts in place of forcing them for attendance. Also, it should raise the level of education and curriculum here and it can only be done by some show of enthusiasm by faculties as well as students.
WB : What do you want to say for the future aspirants?
I want to say that enjoy the college life till the 2nd year and experience everything so that you don't regret leaving any of the fun behind. But after that put all your efforts and attention on studies. Decide what you have to do in further life till that time and aim for it with all your might.